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German Public Expresses Concern Over Security

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Shocks Germany

German Public Expresses Concern Over Security

In 2014, only 19% of Germans viewed Russia positively, while 79% had a negative opinion.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has shocked and stunned the German government and German voters. The alarm is growing louder, but the German public remains unconvinced that the security of Germany and Europe has been threatened.

In 2014, only 19% of Germans viewed Russia positively, while 79% had a negative opinion. 81% disapproved of the Russian Leadership. However, many Germans believed that Russia was not a threat to Germany or Europe.

The invasion of Ukraine has changed that perception. A recent poll found that 52% of Germans now believe that Russia is a threat to Germany, and 63% believe that Russia is a threat to Europe.

The German government is taking the threat from Russia seriously. It has increased military spending and is working to reduce its dependence on Russian energy.

The German public is also taking the threat from Russia seriously. There have been large demonstrations against the war in Ukraine, and many Germans are donating money and supplies to Ukrainian refugees.

The invasion of Ukraine has been a wake-up call for Germany. The German government and the German public are now aware of the threat from Russia and are taking steps to address it.
